Frequently Asked Questions

How much are the workshop/classes?

Classes start at $45 per person and go up based on the day of the week and time.

Can my child attend?

Children ages 8 - 13 years old must be accompanied by 1 adult that is NOT making a rug. Only one parent will be allowed back with their minor.

Children ages 14 - 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult and this adult may make a rug with a paid seat.

Children 7 and under are not permitted.

Can I host a party?

Of course! Please fill out the private event form or email us at .

Can I come and watch or bring a guest?

No. If you do not have a paid spot in the class you will not be allowed to stay and watch.

I am running late, what do I do?

We ask that every one arrives 15 minutes early but in the event that you are running late please give us a call as soon as you know. The time difference will not be compensated for late arrivals. If you are running more than 20 minutes late you will forfeit your spot.

Can I book a spot without paying?


In order to reserve a spot you must pay the non-refundable deposit and/or pay the full amount of the class.

Can I bring food and drinks?

Yes, you may bring food and drinks. It is recommend that you eat a meal before coming.

How should I dress?

You may dress any way you would like as long as it is appropriate. Keep in mind that this craft does get messy.

How long are the workshops?

Works can last anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.

How big are the rugs?

The rugs size will be based on the image that you choose. If signing up for a mini workshop the frame size is 20in x 20in. For any other workshop the frame size is 30in x 30in.

Please click here for inforamtion on the sneaker workshop!